Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hump Day

Sinclair Inn, Jericho, VT
Hi All - Greetings from central Vermont.  We endured so much rain today, we felt like bullfrogs, but we had a lovely visit this morning with our friends Sam & Maura who own Lester Farm in New Haven, VT.  They've had so much rain this summer that they pumped their fields for almost 6 weeks straight...and we thought innkeeping was hard work!  By early afternoon though, we were on the road again, headed for Ben & Jerry's where, yes, we ate too much ice cream.  With the rain, it was an absolute mob scene and it took us an hour and 15 minutes just to get a cone and take a brief tour.  After hitting the road again, we decided that Burlington would be fun to explore...that is until we hit rush hour there...what were we thinking?!?  We don't DO rudh hour.  So, following our keene travel sense, we headed east for cleaner air and were rewarded when we spotted The Sinclair Inn in Jericho, VT.  The innkeepers are lovely, the house is beautiful and impeccably maintained...and they're for sale.  Needless to say, we've had some interesting conversation so far.  Rick warned me just as I was settling in to post this, that I shouldn't get into bed unless I am absolutely ready to fall asleep because it was uber comfortable...I think his eyes were rolling back in his head as the words were fading from his lips.  So, with that, I'm off to bed too.  Nighty, night!


  1. Oh goodness, here we go again with another inn! :) Quick Julie, hide his wallet!!

  2. Any chance you went to the Snowflake Bentley Museum in Jericho? I have wanted to visit for years.

  3. You do realize that if you blink, you miss Jericho?...
    Sorry, but we didn't see it/know about it. Jericho was a beacon in the night where we found respite.

  4. Did find this though:
